
Showing posts from August, 2021


AULAAD DRAMA STORY:- Aulaad has been an emotional ride during the race. The play tells us the story of a group of parents and the misfortune of their sons. Starring Mohammad Ahmed, Marina Khan, Hassan Niazi, Sunita Marshall, Minsa Malik, Hina Javed, Furqan Qureshi, Nabeel Zuberi, Qudsia Ali, and others. This story has been written by Syed Ameer Ali Shah and directed by Aabis Raza. The story of this drama "Aulaad" revolves around the story of a family in which you will see the importance of relationships between parents and children. When the children are small, how parents work day and night to fulfill the needs of their beloved children, and when that children become adults, they treat their parents very badly and leave them alone in needy times. They even ignore the basic needs of their parents. This serial is also helpful for those people who give importance to sons. Now when they are adults and get married, they believed that everything they have achieved in life is due t


DONUTS RECIPE:- INGREDIENTS FOR DOUGH:- 1. Flour (500gm) 2. Oil (50gm) 3. Sugar (40gm) 4. Salt (5gm) 5. Egg yolks (5) 6. Yeast (10gm) 7. Oil (for frying) 8. Milk powder (25gm) 9. Bread improver (1/2 tsp) 10. Milk liquid (as required) 11. Water (as required) 12. Butter(50 gm). INGREDIENTS FOR SYRUP:- 1. Water (as required) 2. Liquid glucose (3 tbsp) 3. Honey (3 tbsp) 4. Sugar(425gm) METHOD:- FOR THE DOUGH:- In a bowl mix all the ingredients and knead the dough. Leave it for a while. Then make balls out of the dough and make small holes in the middle. Leave it again for proofing. Heat oil and deep fry the donuts until golden brown. FOR THE SYRUP:- In a pan mix all the ingredients and prepare the syrup. Lastly, drizzle it onto the donuts and serve it.    


  HOMEMADE KHOWSA PLATTER:- INGREDIENTS:- 1. Pasta:- 1 packet. 2. Salt:- 1 teaspoon. 3. Oil:- 1 teaspoon. 4. Boiled water:- 4 glass. 5 .  Yogurt:- 1/2 kg. 6. Salt:- 1 teaspoon. 7. Gram flour:- 2 tablespoons. 8. Coriander:- 2 tablespoons. 9. Small Green chili:- 3 to 4. 10. Oil:- 1 tablespoon. 11. Garlic cloves:- 4 to 5. 12. Kari pata:- 8 to 10. 13. Turmeric:- 1/2 teaspoon. 14. Medium green chili:- 2. 15. Chaat masala:- 1 teaspoon. 16. Lemon juice:- 1 teaspoon. 17. Beef without bones:- 1/2 kg. 18. Red chili crushed:- 1 tablespoon. 19. Kashmiri chili crushed:- 1 tablespoon. 20. Garlic ginger paste:- 1 teaspoon. 21. Turmeric:- 1 teaspoon. 22. Salt:- 1 teaspoon. 23. Roasted coriander:- 1 teaspoon. 24. Roasted cumin seeds:- 1 teaspoon. 25. Big onion:- 2  26. Tomato(medium):- 2 27. Coriander and big chili:- For garnishing. 28. Crushed hot spices:- 1 teaspoon.   METHOD:- Put four glasses of water, salt, and oil in a pot and let it boil well. Then add water and cook for 15-20 minutes. When it i


DIFFERENT TANG FLAVOURS:- Tang has been a summer refreshing drink for everyone. On a hot sunny day, when nothing can fulfill your thirst, a glass of tang does this trick.   It is available in many different flavors and each and every flavor is different and feels awesome. Some of the common flavors of tang include Mango, Orange, Lemon pepper, Mosambi, Grapes, etc. It is very easy to mix and very fast to make it ready. It's very easy to carry outside or on tours. It is also available in packets and we only have to mix it with water and make it as juice. This process takes just two minutes to make it drink. It has vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium in it that's why doctors also prefer some of his patients to have a tang. It also provides instant energy. PINEAPPLE FLAVOR:- This flavor of tang is made with a fruity orange-pineapple taste. It has vitamin C, Calcium, dried pineapple, and many more ingredients. It is widely consumed by many customers all over the world.  MANGO FLAVOR:-


  REVIEW:- ROYAL ICE AND SPICE. Royal ice and spice is a restaurant in Sindhi Muslim Society, Karachi. It is a good family sitting area with air conditions running any time you visit. It offers food at a reasonable price. It has a variety of food like Fast food, Chinese, B.B.Q, and dessert. If someone wants to eat Chinese then this place serves especially for you. The waiters are really fast and responsive. Further, tasty rolls are also available when you are hungry and don't want to eat heavy food.  You can also get fresh juices and cold beverages there. Don't forget to eat masala broast there. In dessert, Ice cold coffee is special there. We tried many things like rolls, sandwiches, and B.B.Q, everything is totally worth it. They have a fast home delivery which surprisingly came to me in 30 mins.     It is a professional place to visit with awesome services. I personally like Royal's B.B.Q  items but it's my favorite place to have masala broast there. It's a good


  CHICKEN CHOW MEIN:- INGREDIENTS:- Chicken Boneless:- 1/2 kg.         Pasta:- 1 packet.                                Tandoori masala:- 1 teaspoon.             Tikka masala:- 1 teaspoon.                   Garlic ginger paste:- 1 teaspoon.             Roasted cumin seeds:- 1 teaspoon.         Tumeric:-  1/2 teaspoon.                              Chopped red pepper:-  1/2 teaspoon.           Yellow food color:- 1 click. Lemon Juice:- 1 tablespoon. Salt:- As required. Oil:- 2 tablespoons. Chilli Sauce:- 1 tablespoon. Soya sauce:- 1 Tablespoon. Tomato Ketchup:-  1/2  cup. Crushed Black Pepper:-  1/2  teaspoon. Cabbage finely chopped:-  1 middle size. Capsicum finely chopped:- 1  Carrot finely chopped:- 1 Yogurt:- 2 tablespoon METHOD:- First of all, put all the spices in the chicken, marinate it and keep it for a while, then heat oil in a pan and put marinated chicken in it, and cook it for 15 to 20 minutes then boil water in a pan, add salt and half teaspoon of oil and let it boil well.


QUARREL OR LOVE :-   Aaban  and  Asim  are two brothers.  Aaban  is three years younger than  Asim  and two years behind him in his studies.  Asim  is studying in the 7th class. Their habits are very different from each other.  Despite being young, Aaban likes to be alone and talk less, while Asim  is so naughty that everyone in the house is fed up with his mischief. However, both brothers are very good in their studies and always come first in class. Therefore, his father is happy with him despite his mischief. Due to the different temperaments of the two brothers, they often have quarrels.  Naughty Asim enjoys teasing his younger brother Aaban but his purpose is not to break his heart but he just does it to make him laugh and play with him while Aaban gets so angry that for several days he didn't even talk to him.  Near his house, there is a large garden with many Mango, Plum, and Guava trees. The special thing about this garden is that the trees are very close to each other. Bi


SERVE YOUR TASTE BUDS WITH THESE AMAZING ACTIVITIES:- Remember the first time you picked your favorite ice cream, you let a scoop of that ice cream completely melts in your mouth. It will satisfy your thirst and you just don't let yourself stop at only one bite.  So today, you will learn to make these sweet desserts at home. So let's get started. HOMEMADE OREO ICE-CREAM Learn how to make easy homemade oreo ice cream without a machine. You need only three ingredients and few minutes to make this delicious dessert. INGREDIENTS:- 1. 20 oreo cookies. 2. 1 can (400g) sweet condensed milk. 3. 2 cups (480ml) cream. RECIPE :- 1. Crush 15 Oreo cookies. 2. Place cold cream in a bowl, and whip to stiff peaks. 3. Add condense milk and beat on low speed until absorbed, add crushed cookies and fold it. 4. Transfer it into a dish/ bowl, and top with 4 oreo biscuits, and freeze for at least 7 hours 5. Your dessert is ready! DEATH BY CHOCOLATE CAKE RECIPE:-   INGREDIENTS:- 1. Eggs (6) 2. Sugar

ایمانداری کا صلہ

:- ایمانداری کا صلہ   احمد ایک نیک لڑکا تھا۔ جب وہ تھکا ہارا گھر آیا تو اُس کا منہ اترا ہوا تھا۔ احمد کی والدہ  اسے دیکھ کر سمجھ گئیں تھیں کہ آج بھی اُسے نوکری نہیں ملی۔ احمد اپنے والدین کی اکلوتی اولاد تھا۔ جب وہ چار سال کا تھا تو اُس کے والد ایک ایکسیڈینٹ میں فوت ہو گئے تھے۔ اُسے پڑھائی کرنے کا بہت شوق تھا اور اُن کے والد کا بھی یہی خواب تھا کہ اُن کا بیٹا بڑے ہو کرڈاکٹر بنے لیکن والد کی فوت کے بعد ماں بلکل بے آسرا ہو چکی تھی۔ وہ لوگوں کے گھروں میں کام کر کے احمد کو صرف میٹرک تک تعلیم دلا پائی تھیں۔ اُسے آگے پڑھانا اُن کا بھی خواب تھا مگر وہ مالی صورتِ حال کی وجہ سے مجبور تھیں۔ شعور کی منزل پر قدم رکھنے کے بعد وہ جان چکا تھا کہ اُس کے والدین کا کیا خواب تھا پھر اُس نے سوچا کہ کیوں نہ میں خود نوکری کر کے اپنے والدین کا خواب پورا کروں پھر وہ الگ الگ جگہوں پر انٹرویو دینے جاتا اور مایوس ہو کر واپس آجاتا۔ ایک دن وہ بہت امیدوں کے ساتھ گھر سے نکلا کہ اِس  دفعہ ضرورنوکری مل جائی گی اور آخرکار اُسے ایک بڑے آفس میں کینٹین ورکر کی نوکری ملی۔ کینٹین پر بہت سے لوگ آئے جن میں سے ایک آدمی اپنا بیگ